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Mrs. MacOlsson’s Moomins


Mrs. MacOlsson’s Moomins

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Mrs. MacOlsson’s Moomins


Published on April 22, 2010


Moomin, or Mumin as we say in Sweden, is part of everyday life in our family. The kiddies have duvets covered with Moomin, their favourite DVD films are Moomin, I have a Moominmamma on my keyring and suitcase, and Mr. MrsMacOlsson has Moominpappa on his suitcase. We have little Moomins, a Moomin mobile over the cot, a Moomin house to keep the toys in, Moomin plates, Moomin cutlery, Moomin glasses to drink homemade fruit cordial from, and a HUGE collection of the beautiful Moomin mugs from Arabia.

There is something about Moomin which appeals to adults and children alike. Moominvalley sounds like a wonderful place to grow up and live, and reflects Finnish culture and lifestyle in so many ways—long warm summers spent swimming, picking berries to make fruit cordial and then mushrooms in the autumn, before the long winter when Moomin Valley is covered in snow and the Moomins hibernate. You can run and play in the forest and spend hours at the beach looking for beautiful shells before coming home ravenous and eating as many pancakes with jam that you can manage.

I suppose it wasn’t so surprising that in the middle of my crafting development, I wanted to crochet a Moomin for our kiddies. I tried to find a pattern, but ended up combining feet from one with a chubby body and a hippopotamus-like head. The result was Snork, the blue Moomin, and only because I had run out of white yarn! The MacOlsson kiddies immediately started fighting over who would have Snork, and so Snork was joined by Snork Maiden, Moomin, Moominpappa and Moominmamma.

The Moomin family is a warm and welcoming one. Moominmamma is my favourite and I have to admit, I try hard to be more like her—pottering in the garden, making gallons of fruit cordial from the berries in the garden, always calm and collected, completely unfazed by the tricks and adventures her family and friends get up to. But the pancakes? Well, unlike the Moomins, it’s Mr. MrsMacOlsson who puts on the apron and makes stacks of fluffy pancakes to satisfy even the hungriest of Moomins!

So that you, too, can have a little Moomin in your life, we’re giving away this crocheted Moomin! The Rules: All you have to to do be entered is comment on this post—once; duplicates won’t count—by noon EST on Friday, April 30th. The winner will be chosen randomly. Please check your email over the weekend; if we don’t hear back from you by noon on Monday, another winner will be chosen.

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Mrs. MacOlsson


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